Improve overall performance, increase system reliability, and reduce cost

Our MBR experts can assess how well your Enviroquip®, Ovivo®, Kubota®, Toray®, or Microdyn® system is operating compared to design conditions and versus industry expectations. We’ll offer practical suggestions regarding how to improve overall performance and to increase system reliability.  We can also supply components and make programming changes as necessary.  Along with our partner Hyperion, MMBR can provide the following technical services.

  • Field service

    including system/equipment troubleshooting, membrane repairs, and process checks, system audits, and membrane assessments

  • Programming support

    support help such as troubleshooting, updating, improving, and documenting existing code

  • Monitoring

    weekly reports, quarterly inspections, and annual audits.  Each plan is tailored to meet customer specific needs and site requirements.


Working with our long-time partner Hyperion International Technologies, LLC, we can provide programming support including troubleshooting, updating, improving, and documenting existing code. We have recently revamped our approach to controls with a global effort aimed at streamlining the interface. Our goal is to make running an MBR more like driving a truck than flying a spaceship. Working with Hyperion, we make sure that the user environment is smart phone responsive and easy to understand. At the same time powerful data analytics are included to facilitate troubleshooting and optimization as needed.

Our engineering team brings "a sense for the science" to each new challenge and our technical service team adds a "feel for the field" gained through years of hands-on problem-solving. In the end, you need both to effectively troubleshoot problems and to optimize processes.

Why is training important for MBR?

We invite you to compare our training approach to others. At M|MBR training is not an afterthought and our documentation is not generic. We build site-specific, detailed training modules that are accurate and controlled documents.

Our training programs are a mix of classroom sessions and hands-on exercises. We believe in repetition and being proactive. If training is important to you, please ask for sample documents and a short webinar to see what M|MBR can do for you and your project.

  • Online training

  • Onsite

  • Classroom

Training was awesome! The trainer knew the plant our team was associated with and was helpful and directly answering questions related specifically to our plant.