
The MMBR team assembles an M600 membrane module in Austin, TX

The M600 membrane module was designed as part of a collaboration with Toray Membrane USA, Inc. They take about 1 hour to assemble and less than 4 hours total to install on top of existing diffuser cases. The MMBR team recently shot a video showing how easy and fast assembly can be for most applications.


The MMBR team has supported the design, installation, startup, and support of hundreds of plants using Kubota® flat plates. We partnered with Toray to build the M600 module using space-efficient flat sheets (FS). The M600 uses Toray membranes that are installed in more than 800 plants around the world. What’s unique is the backward compatible frame.

The M600 frame is backward compatible with select Ovivo® and Kubota® membrane units and can increase membrane area 31% – 190%. The operating parameters are the same and no changes to the equipment are typically required.